Côte Ouest Lounge at Hotel Terrou-Bi food

Hotel Terrou-Bi: Drinks and Dinner

The Hotel Terrou-Bi is a luxury hotel, yet a perfectly fitting place for some casual evening drinks and overlooking the Côte Ouest Lounge. Order cocktails made with local ingredients and eat a range of Senegalese traditional food in huge portions to get your Senegalese food fix. 

Enjoy the sunset (though it may be a bit hazy) in Dakar over the ocean with a drink in hand. 

Côte Ouest Lounge at Hotel Terrou-Bi

The Côte Ouest Lounge has a great view directly over the ocean. There is both indoor couch seating and outdoor lounge chairs and bar stools. I recommend arriving around 6 pm for drinks and then dinner. I ordered a white wine but then moved on to a rose. Neither were that great, to be honest. But the glass was as big as my head so I had fun with that. 

A colleague ordered a cocktail and I had instant FOMO! Therefore, order a cocktail made with local ingredients like bissap/hibiscus and baobab juice.

I ordered the traditional rice and fish dish, Thieboudienne. It was one of the best dishes I ate in Dakar. You need to go with an appetite if you plan to order this (which you should). The portion size was huge. The dish came with flavorful rice, a huge chunk of fish, and several veggies. Be sure to ask for the local hot sauce as well. 

Check out the menu here

A note about sitting outside…

… It’s worth it but I was eaten ALIVE by the mosquitos in mid-March. So, beware if you get easily bit and plan to put on some bug spray. I think I had like 30 bites on my feet and legs by the time dinner was over. Unfortunately, I didn’t even notice the mosquitos until it was too late. Not that I could do anything about it anyway… Some of my other colleagues didn’t get bit at all! 

About Hotel Terrou-Bi

This hotel is one of the most luxurious and expensive hotels in Dakar. The Hotel Terrou-Bi first opened as a restaurant in December 1986, called “Le Terrou-Bi”. It quickly became the spot to be seen for Dakar’s elite. Over the years the restaurant grew to include a casino and a new restaurant “La Terrasse”, a swimming pool, and a private beach. In 2009, the hotel was inaugurated. The hotel underwent renovation and expansion in March 2015 and secured its position as a luxury hotel for locals and visitors in Dakar. 

Check out the hotel location here.